Northern Avenue Through the Seasons

Any time a guest visits us in Armenia and we stroll around in center of our city, they are left in awe at the action, life and energy found in the streets. This is particularly true during the summer season when the wide sidewalks are packed with locals and tourists alike. A nocturnal city duringContinue reading “Northern Avenue Through the Seasons”

Vahagn-Spring Equinox-Nowruz Day

March 20th marked the day of the Spring Equinox, when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and we experience nearly exactly 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of nighttime. It symbolizes new beginnings, and so it comes as no surprise that this day is aligned with ancient celebrations all across different cultures around the world. Now whileContinue reading “Vahagn-Spring Equinox-Nowruz Day”

Pi Day: Armenia in the Tech World

The technology industry is booming in Armenia, and here is a glimpse into the who, what, when, where and hows.

How Surb Sargis Outsmarts Valentine’s Day

My transformation from the “Valentine’s Day Grinch” to a girl filled with warm and fuzzy feelings is in great part due to ten years of exposure to the romantic culture of Armenia.

An Amalgamation of Armenian Food

Food is a huge part of any culture and Armenians are no different. Here is a list of foods you might come across in any given Armenian home.